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Teaching materials

Computational biology 2021 (by Abdulmelik Mohammed)

Here are the syllabus and some sample lectures from the course. The material is largely based on the textbook Introduction to bioinformatics algorithms by Jones and Pevzner.


Talks and Presentations

Poster presentations

Student papers



knotplot rendering knotplot rendering

Assembly graph for Actin I of Oxytricha Nova and smoothings

something maja drew something maja drew something maja drew

Assembly graphs obtained from recent experimental data

tangled coil Sterkiella nova

Assembly graphs obtained from recent experimental data

Sterkiella nova pipe cleaner pipe cleaner pipe cleaner pipe cleaner pipe cleaner pipe cleaner pipe cleaner

Pipe cleaner figures

povray rendering of a DNA sequence

POV-Ray rendering of a DNA sequence from the MIC gene Actin 1 of species Sterkiella Histriomuscorum.

Home Activities Data Software Multimedia Collaborators Publications Members